How To Install Pycairo Install

Conda install linux-ppc64le v1.20.0; linux-64 v1.20.0; win-32 v1.16.3; linux-aarch64 v1.20.0; osx-64 v1.20.0; win-64 v1.20.0; To install this package with conda run one of the following: conda install -c conda-forge pycairo. For most users, pycairo‑1.18.0‑cp37‑cp37m‑win32.whl will do fine. Pip3 install C: p ath t o w heel p ycairo‑1.18.0‑cp37‑cp37m‑win32.whl Install a LaTeX distribution. MiKTeX is recommended. Install the remaining Python packages. Make sure that pycairo1.17.1 is changed to pycairo1.18.0 in. Feb 08, 2019 brew install cairo pkg-config freetype harfbuzz Warning: cairo 1.16.0 is already installed and up-to-date To reinstall 1.16.0, run ` brew reinstall cairo ` Warning: freetype 2.10.0 is already installed and up-to-date To reinstall 2.10.0, run ` brew reinstall freetype ` Warning: harfbuzz 2.4.01 is already installed and up-to-date To reinstall 2.4.01, run ` brew reinstall harfbuzz. Pycairo currently does not support installation through pip/distutils. The project’s install docs instructs to use either waf or autotools. To use pycairo in a virtualenv, you need to: Install pycairo system-wide, preferably through your distribution’s packages; Then, either.

Pycairo is a Python module providing bindings for the cairo graphics library. It depends on cairo >= 1.15.10 and workswith Python 3.6+. Pycairo, including this documentation, is licensed underthe LGPL-2.1-only OR MPL-1.1.

The Pycairo bindings are designed to match the cairo C API as closely aspossible, and to deviate only in cases which are clearly better implemented ina more ‘Pythonic’ way.

Installing Pycairo requires cairo including its headers. For more info see“Getting Started”.

Features of the Pycairo bindings:

  • Provides an object oriented interface to cairo.
  • Queries the error status of objects and translates them to exceptions.
  • Provides a C API that can be used by other Python extensions.

If Pycairo is not what you need, have a look at cairocffi, which is an API compatible packageusing cffi or Qahirah, which is using ctypes and provides a more“pythonic” API with less focus on matching the cairo C API.

For more information visit

Git repo:
Bug tracker:
Mailing list:

See the “API Reference” for further details.

To use the pycairo library:

To build/install the library:

To run the tests:

For examples of pycairo code see the ‘examples’ directory that comes with thepycairo distribution.

For author information see the git history as well as the now deleted“ChangeLog” file in the git history.

Do I need to install pip?¶

pip is already installed if you are using Python 2 >=2.7.9 or Python 3 >=3.4downloaded from or if you are workingin a Virtual Environmentcreated by virtualenv or venv. Just make sureto upgrade pip.

Use the following command to check whether pip is installed:

Using Linux Package Managers¶


If you installed Python from a package manager on Linux, you should alwaysinstall pip for that Python installation using the same source.

See pypug:Installing pip/setuptools/wheel with Linux Package Managersin the Python Packaging User Guide.

Here are ways to contact a few Linux package maintainers if you run intoproblems:

How To Install Pycairo Install Pc

  • Debian Python Team (for generalissues related to apt)

pip developers do not have control over how Linux distributions handle pipinstallations, and are unable to provide solutions to related issues ingeneral.

Using ensurepip¶

Python >=3.4 can self-bootstrap pip with the built-inensurepip module. Refer to the standard librarydocumentation for more details. Make sure to upgrade pipafter ensurepip installs pip.

See the Using Linux Package Managers section if your Python reportsNomodulenamedensurepip on Debian and derived systems (e.g. Ubuntu).

Installing with¶


Be cautious if you are using a Python install that is managed by your operatingsystem or another package manager. does not coordinate withthose tools, and may leave your system in an inconsistent state.

To manually install pip, securely 1 download by followingthis link: Alternatively, use curl:


Then run the following command in the folder where youhave downloaded also installs setuptools2 and wheelif they are not already. setuptools is required to installsource distributions. Both arerequired in order to build a Wheel Cache (which improves installationspeed), although neither are required to install pre-built wheels.


The script is supported on the same python version as pip.For the now unsupported Python 2.6, alternate script is availablehere. options¶


If set, do not attempt to install setuptools


If set, do not attempt to install wheel allows pip install options and the general options. Below aresome examples:

Install from local copies of pip and setuptools:

How To Install Pycairo

Install to the user site 3:

Install behind a proxy: can also be used to install a specified combination of pip,setuptools, and wheel using the same requirements syntax as pip:

Upgrading pip¶

Python and OS Compatibility¶

pip works with CPython versions 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and also PyPy.

This means pip works on the latest patch version of each of these minorversions. Previous patch versions are supported on a best effort approach.

pip works on Unix/Linux, macOS, and Windows.


“Secure” in this context means using a modern browser or atool like curl that verifies SSL certificates when downloading fromhttps URLs.


Beginning with pip v1.5.1, stopped requiring setuptools tobe installed first.


The pip developers are considering making --user the default for allinstalls, including installs of pip, but at this time,--user installs for pip itself, should not be considered to be fullytested or endorsed. For discussion, see Issue 1668.


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