Rhino Mac Line Weights

Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC) is a serious illness caused by common bacteria. MAC is also known as MAI (Mycobacterium Avium Intracellulare). MAC infection can be localized (limited to one part. Tbh Rhino’s lineweights kind of majorly suck. If you have access to it, and you don’t need to turn in the.3dm file itself, I’d do the command Make2D, export that linework to Adobe Illustrator, then use Illustrator’s lineweights.

Rhino Mac Line Weights Sheet

Im trying to design a bent wire for a wire frame and some of the inside diameter of the bends need to be the same diameter as the wire so that i can essentially snap it into itself.

4 Answers


hi Mark Goody,
following picture can guide you to add thickness to any curves
by adding few simple steps while modelling.

Rhino 3d Mac

Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/how-do-i-add-thickness-to-a-polyline-in-rhinoceros-3d


Baby Rhino Weight

Thank you so much for this in depth response Patel Deepak, Im using a mac so its a little different. I think I was actually looking for the 'pipe' tool. I was confused thinking that a pipe couldn't be a solid with a cap.

White Rhino Weight

Most wel come Mark Goody,
yes Mac hav. A differnt interface and so as the icons and the commands . But by now you must have become pro. and very familiar with the look and feel of Rhino on machquies . Keep posting your master pieces . :)

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