Fallout New Vegas Weight Command

Return to Fallout: New Vegas Jump to: Select a forum - The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim IV - Oblivion III - Morrowind The Elder Scrolls Series Discussion Fallout Fallout 4 Fallout: New Vegas Fallout 3 Fallout Series Discussion Crysis Othor Games. Viva Nude Vegas. A perk mod focused on offering new and unique gameplay options based on being naked. These perks range from simple carry weight buffs to completely new mechanics like a ground pound or slipping through locked doors. Perks; By Demorome. 'Fallout New Vegas' along with all related logos, icons, images, and characters are registered copyrights of Bethesda.This site is not owned, represented, or endorsed by Bethseda.

To open the console, tap the backquote (`) or tilde (~) key (they’re the same key). The game will pause, the UI will vanish, and you’ll see a cursor appear in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. That’s where you input your console commands. After typing a command, press enter. You may see a notification of what your code did, but not always. Press the tilde key.

Note: Depending on your version of the game, you may need to add the “-console” command line parameter to launch the game before the cheat console will load.

Cheat Commands

All Pip-Boy Markers
tmm 1
Activates all Pip-Boy markers on the map, making them visible and fast-travel locations.

Toggle Fog of War
Toggles on/off fog of war on the Pip-Boy map.

God Mode
Toggles on/off god mode, which makes the player invincible to all damage, provides unlimited ammo, carrying capacity and AP. Items do not degrade.

Demi-God Mode (New Vegas only)
Toggles on/off demi-god mode, which makes the player invincible to all damage, but does not provide unlimited ammo or any other benefits.

Kill All NPCs
Kills all NPCs and creatures in the area.

coc <cell edid>
Teleports the player to a specific cell location.

NPC Commands

For almost all NPC commands, the NPC must be targeted before typing the command. Issuing a command without a target will simply result in nothing.

Set Target
prid <ref_id>
The same as left-clicking on a target, but useful if you cannot see the target. Most NPC commands will require a target.

Teleport to NPC
player.moveto <ref_id>
Moves you across the map to an NPC.

Teleport NPC
moveto player
Moves an NPC to your character.

Add/Remove NPC Inventory Item
additem <base_id>, removeitem <base_id>
Adds or removes an item from an NPC’s inventory.

Equip NPC
equipitem <base_id>, unequipitem <base_id>
Equip or unequip an item to an NPC.

Display NPC Inventory
Shows every item in an NPC’s inventory, including hidden items.

Barter Menu
Shows the barter menu, for use with NPC traders.

Restore NPC Health
Brings an NPC back to full health.

Kill NPC
Makes an NPC die.

Fallout New Vegas Weight Console Command

Revive NPC
Brings an NPC back from the dead. (Will also reroll their inventory, so previously owned items may disappear.)

Toggle Combat AI
Toggles on/off combat artificial intelligence, so NPCs are unable to fight.

Toggle AI
Toggles on/off all artificial intelligence, so NPCs are unable to do anything.

Set NPC Faction
setally <factionID1> <factionID2> (0/1 optional) (0/1 optional)
Allies an NPC to a specific faction. <0> sets as an ally, <1> sets as a friend.

Set Faction as Enemy
setenemy <factionID1> <factionID2> (0/1 optional) (0/1 optional)
Sets a faction as an enemy with another faction. <0> sets an enemy, <1> sets as neutral.

Make NPC Immortal
setessential <base_id> <#>
Makes an NPC unable to die. <1> sets NPC as immortal, <0> sets NPC as mortal.

Remove/Restore NPC
disable, enable
Disable removes the NPC from the game, enable makes the NPC reappear.

Start Combat
Starts combat with an NPC. Use command “stopcombat” to end combat, although NPC will remain hostile.

Stop NPC Hostility
setav aggression 0
Stops an NPC from being hostile towards you.

Add NPC Script
addscriptpackage <base_id>
Adds a script to the targeted NPC. For example, use id “4083b” to make an NPC follow you.

Clone an NPC
player.placeleveledactoratme <base_id>
Creates a clone of an NPC and places it by the player character.

Reset Companion Quest
resetquest <quest_id>
Reset a companion’s hire quest.

Inventory Commands

Add Item to Inventory
player.additem <base_id> <amount>
Adds an item to your inventory. Items will be at ‘full health’ and undamaged.

Remove Item from Inventory
player.removeitem <base_id> <amount>
Removes an item from your inventory.

Repair Menu
Opens the Repair Menu, which allows the player to use their Repair skill to fix items. The menu works like a merchant repair trade, but payment will be given back to the player.

Show Inventory IDs
Lists the player’s inventory with item IDs.

Equip Item from Inventory
player.equipitem <object_id>
Equips an item from your inventory.

Change Weapon Health
player.setweaponhealthperc <#>
Changes the health of your currently held weapon. Replace # with a number between 1-100.

Camera Commands

Free Camera
Toggle on/off the free camera, allowing you to move the camera anywhere you please. Use tfc 1 to pause the game too.

Free Camera Movement Speed
sucsm <#>
Changes the speed for the free camera. Replace <#> with 1 for a slow camera, and up to 10 for a fast camera.

Remove HUD
Toggle on/off menus and HUD.

Field of View
fov <#>
Adjusts the field of view. Default is 75, Narrow is around 40, and wide is around 90. Set the value to your own preference.

Toggle Lightbrite
Toggle on/off lightbrite mode, which increases lighting in dark areas.


World and Item Commands

Delete Object
Deletes the targeted item.

Set Item Scale
setScale <#>
Sets the scale of an item in the game world.

Show Item Scale
Shows a read-out of the targeted item’s scale.

Unlocks a locked safe, door, or container. The effect can be reversed with “lock”, which can also be modified by adding a numerical value equal to the required lockpick skill. A setting of “lock 255” will be unpickable and require a key.

Activate an Item
Activates a targeted item without having to locate its switch.

Delete Item
Deletes an item from the game world.

Get Items
player.placeatme <base_id> <stack amoun #t> <quality #>
Places an item next to the player, of specified amount and quality.

Move to Item
player.moveto <ref_id>
Move to a nearby item.

Show Crafting Menu (New Vegas only)
showrecipemenu <category>
Opens the crafting menu. Use one of the following categories: “0013b2c1” for Workbench, “0013e11a” for Reloading Bench, “0013b2c0” for Campfire, and “xx0103a0” for Vending Machine.

Set Timescale
set timescale to <#>
Sets how fast time progresses in game. A setting of 1 is real time, with 1 second in-game being 1 second in real time. The default setting is 30.

Set Game Hour
set gamehour to <time>
Sets the game hour to the specified time, and will be applied when the game is unpaused.

Fallout new vegas script commands

Stat Commands

Damage Stat
player.damageactorvalue <variable> <#>
Reduces a stat by a numerical value. The most typical stat variable would be ‘health’.

Set Scale
player.setscale <#.#>
Set player scale. The higher the scale, the faster and stronger you become. 1.0 is default. 0.95 is smaller, 1.1 is bigger.

Actor Values
player.getav <variable>
Provides a read-out of an NPC’s stat value. Example variables are karma and intelligence.

Set NPC Stats
player.setav <variable> <#>
Set an NPC actor’s stats to a specific numerical value.

Adjust a NPC value
player.modav <variable> <#>
Adjusts an NPC actor’s stats, up to but not exceeding the normal max values. Negative numbers lower the stat. The value you assign to # will be in addition to what the value currently is, rather than replacing the whole stat value.

Add a Perk
player.addperk <variable>
Adds a perk or a trait to your character.

Remove Perk
player.removeperk <variable>
Removes a perk or trait from your character.

Change Sex
Changes your player character gender.

Change Name
Opens a menu to allow player character name changes.

Change Race/Face
Opens a menu that will allow you to change your character’s face. Changing your face will disable perks, so they must be removed and added again manually.

Change Traits
Opens a menu to change player traits.

Change Hair
Opens a menu to change player hairstyle.

Change Facial Features
Opens a menu to change player appearance.

Level Up
Advances your character by one XP level.

Change Level
player.setlevel <#>
Set the overall level of your character.

Set Age
player.agerace <#>
Sets the age generation of your character. Replace # with -1 for child, 1 for adult, 2 for elderly person.

Grant XP
player.rewardxp <#>
Adds a specified amount of XP to the player character.

Grant Karma
player.rewardKarma <#>
Adds a specified amount of Karma to the player character.

Set Setting
setgs <string>
Sets a specific game setting, such as max level cap, or damage resistance. Setting reset each time the game is started, so need re-applying each session. Replace <string> with a setting, such as “iMaxCharacterLevel <#>”

Quest Commands

Move to Quest Target
Moves player character to the quest target location.

Show Quest Log
Display a log of everything the player has encountered and completed in the game.

Quest Check
getqc <base id>
Checks if the current quest is complete. A result of “1” means complete, “0” means uncomplete.

Quest Reset
resetquest <base id>
Resets progress on the specified quest.

List all Objectives
sqs <base id>
Displays a list of all quest objective stages.

Get Objective
getstage <base id>
Gets the objective level of a quest.

Set Quest Objective Level
setstage <base id> <Quest Objective>
Sets a quest to a specified objective, which can be used to drop back by an objective if bugs arise.

Complete all Objectives
CompleteAllObjectives <base id>
Sets all objectives of the specified quest to ‘complete’.

List Targets
Displays a list of all the current quest targets.

Start All Quests
Starts all quests.

Reputation Commands

Add Reputation
addreputation <base_id> <variable> <amount>
Increases your reputation with a specified fraction. Replace “variable” with “0” for infamy reputation, or “1” for fame. 100 is the highest value that can be attained.

Remove Reputation
removereputation <base_id> <variable> <amount>
Removes reputation with a specified faction. Replace “variable” with “0” for infamy reputation, or “1” for fame. 0 is the lowest value that can be attained.

Set Reputation
setreputation <base_id> <variable> <amount>
Sets your reputation with a specified faction to a specific level.
Increases your reputation with a specified fraction. Replace “variable” with “0” for infamy reputation, or “1” for fame. 100 is the highest value that can be attained.

Remove from all Factions
Removes you from all factions. This will remove you from “player” faction, which can cause issues. Re-add yourself back to “player” faction with the command “player.AddToFaction 0001b2a4 1”

Set Faction Allied Status
setally <base_id_1> <base_id_2> <variable_1> <variable_2>
Sets two factions’ status with each other. Variable can either be “0” for friendly, or “1” for allied.

Set Faction Enemy Status
setenemy <base_id_1> <base_id_2> <variable_1> <variable_2>
Sets two factions’ status with each other. Variable can either be “0” for enemy, or “1” for neutral.

Game Commands

Save Game
save <save name>
Saves the game using the specified description.

Load Game
load <save name>
Loads the game file with the specified description.

Quit Game
Quits the game without using menus.

Alter yourself

player.setscale <scale>

1 is normal. Numbers below that will shrink you. Number above that will make you massive. You don’t need the <> brackets around the number.

player.setlevel X

Where X is the level you want to be.

player.rewardxp 15000

Gives you 15,000 XP.


Changes your sex.


Change your race.


Change your hairstyle.


Change your name.

Fallout new vegas command codes

player.addperk <base_id>

Give yourself a perk. Replace the <base_id> with the ID for the perk you want and drop the <> brackets.

player.removeperk <base_id>

Take the ID’d perk away.

player.setav speedmult X

Where X is your speed percentage. At 100 you move at normal speed, at 10 you move really slowly, and at 200 you go very, very fast.

addreputation <base_ID> <0/1 to add infamy/fame> <amount>

Replace <base_ID> with one of the codes below. Select 1 to add reputation; select 0 to add infamy. Then replace <amount> with the amount of rep you want to add or remove. You can only add 5 rep at a time, to a maximum of 100 total.

Example: addreputation 0011e662 1 5 – earn 5 fame with the Brotherhood of Steel.

  • Boomers 000ffae8
  • Brotherhood of Steel 0011e662
  • Caesar’s Legion 000f43dd
  • Followers of the Apocalypse 00124ad1
  • Great Khans 0011989b
  • Powder Gangers 001558e6
  • NCR 000f43de
  • White Glove Society 00116f16

removereputation <base_ID> <0/1 to set infamy/fame> <amount>

Same deal as addreputation, except the amount you set will be subtracted from your rep with the specified faction.

Useful item codes

Console Command For Carry Weight? - Fallout 4

There are thousands of item codes available in Fallout: New Vegas, but here are a few fun pieces of weapons and armour to try if you’re just messing around. Note that items with an xx in the item ID are from expansions, and may not work if you don’t have the expansion installed.


  • Lucky revolver 000e2c86
  • Mysterious Magnum 00127c6c
  • Li’l Devil pistol xx000805
  • Anti-materiel Rifle 0008f21c
  • Assault Carbine (GRA) 0008f21e
  • Christine’s CoS silencer rifle xx0112ba
  • Silenced .22 SMG 0008f218
  • Sturdy Caravan Shotgun 001735e3
  • Minigun 0000433f
  • Alien blaster 00004322
  • Euclid’s C-Finder 0014eb3c
  • Pew Pew laser rifle 00103b1d
  • Flamer 0000432d
  • Plasma caster 000906cf
  • Tesla cannon 000e2bec
  • Fat Man 0000432c
  • Mercy 0015fff4
  • Missile launcher 00004340
  • Chainsaw 0015fe44
  • Power Fist 00004347


  • Brotherhood T-45b power armour 00075201
  • T45d power armour 00014e13
  • Combat armour, reinforced 00126500
  • NCR Ranger combat armour 00129254
  • Stealth Suit Mk II xx00c12f
  • Advanced Radiation suit 0003307a

More of this sort of thing:

Fallout: New Vegas the fourth major installment of amazing role-playing shooting game series: Fallout which is available for Xbox 360, PlayStation and PC. The game comes with different difficulty levels but even at the easiest difficulty levels those who are new to the game or those who have low-end PCs are having problems playing Fallout: Las Vegas. Moreover, some levels are so tricky that it takes countless tries, respawns and lots of time to complete the level.

If you have very limited time to play the game or if you don’t have the patience to remain stuck on only one level then you can use Fallout New Vegas Console Commands and Cheats available for PC gamers which can help you in lot of ways such as to provide unlimited ammo, unlimited health, invincibility, one-hit kill, fast speed and much more.

These Fallout New Vegas cheat codes are totally legal to use as their settings are totally inbuilt in the game. It’s just that you need to know the special commands to activate those special codes which will provide you desired benefits in the game. Below here, I am providing full list of Fallout New Vegas Console commands (aka, Fallout New Vegas Cheat Codes) for PC. which will provide you desired benefits.

To use them, while playing Fallout New Vegas game, press Tilde (~) key during the gameplay which is available on the top-left corner of your keyboard below Esc key. It will open the console screen of the game, here, enter any of the below-listed Fallout New Vegas console commands and then hit ENTER.

Cheat Codes / Tips

Cheat Description

player.additem 00103b1cAdd # of sunset sarsaparilla blue star bottle caps
addspecialpoints #Quickly add # special points
player.additem 001465A6 1Add Most Powerful Debug MegaPistol
player.addperk (perkcode)Add Perks
advlevelAdvance one level in game
tmm 1show All Mapmarkers
player.additem 000000F (number of caps)add Bottle Caps
ShowPlasticSurgeonMenuOpens change all face options menu
ShowBarberMenuOpens change all hair options menu
SetReputation [Faction ID] [0/1] [1-100]Change faction repo
player.setlevel #changes level to #, no effect on any other things
SexChangeChanges player gender
CloseAllMenusClose all the menus
Save Saves game with desired title
tcgDebug-like filter (mode)
RewardKarma xAdd X karma points (enter -ve values for -ve Karma)
tgmactivates God mode
player.modav health #increase health HP
setgs fmoverunmult #Make game fast for all NPCs and the User (Default:4)
player.modav carryweight #Increase carrying capacity by #
tdmUnlimited Health
killallKill all NPC in area
killKill selected NPC or enemy
tclNo clipping
activateOpens door w/o unlocking it
SetGS fVATSHitChanceMult 100Perfect VATS Aiming
setpccanusepowerarmor 1Activates power armor for Player
player.resethealthPlayer & Limb Health restored
QQQQuits game fast
player.removeperk [Perk ID]Remove Perks
removeallitemsRemove all items for selected NPC
player.srmRepair damaged items
player.reset.healthRestores player health and limb health
resurrectResurrect any dead NPC or enemy
player.setav [skill name] [1-100]Set any skill level
Set OwnershipSet ownership of an items
setspecialpoints [number 1-10]Set S.P.E.C.I.A.L. level
setscale 1Set scale of a NPC (1=Normal)
player.setscale 1Set your player's scale (1=Normal)
setownership setgs fJumpHeightMin #Sets ownership of a selected items
player.setav #Set jump height of player (Default: 64)
player.setweaponhealthperc 100Set # skill level (max value = 100)
movetoqtSet current weapon health to 100
tDetectTeleports player to quest target
tfcToggle direction
bDisableAllGore=0/1Toggle Free Camera Mode
tlvToggle leaves
tfowToggles fog of war in local map
tgToggle Grass display
unlockUnlock any selected physical lock (door, chests, etc) and terminals
UnlockUnlock selected door, safe or computers
Complete Ain't That a Kick in the HeadUnlock Ain't That a Kick in the Head Achievement
Pick 50 pocketsUnlock Artful Pocketer
Complete All or NothingUnlock All or Nothing Achievement
Cause 10,000 damage with energy weaponsUnlock Blast Mastery Achievement
Complete come fly with meUnlock Come Fly with Me Achievement
Complete Arizona killerUnlock Arizona Killer Achievement
Win 30 games of caravanUnlock Caravan Master Achievement
Craft 20 itemsUnlock Crafty Achievement
Play 10 hands of blackjackUnlock Double Down Achievement
Hack 25 terminalsUnlock Hack the Mojave Achievement
Complete G.I. Blues Unlock G.I. Blues Achievement
Win 3 games of caravanUnlock Know When to Fold Them Achievement
Play the game from start to finish in hardcore modeUnlock Hardcore Achievement
Complete eureka!Unlock Eureka! Achievement
Cause 10,000 damage with gunsUnlock Lead Dealer Achievement
Discover 125 locationsUnlock Master of the Mojave Achievement
Complete come fly with meUnlock Come Fly With Me Achievement
Cause 10,000 damage with explosivesUnlock Love the Bomb Achievement
Repair 30 itemsUnlock Jury Rigger Achievement
Discover all snow globesUnlock Globe Trotter Achievement
Play 10 spins of rouletteUnlock Little Wheel Achievement
Complete For the RepublicUnlock For the Republic Achievement
Install 20 weapon modsUnlock Mod Master Achievement
Heal 10,000 points of damage with foodUnlock Desert Survivalist Achievement
Reached 10th levelUnlock New Kid Achievement
Cause 10,000 damage with melee weaponsUnlock New Vegas Samurai Achievement
Complete no gods, no mastersUnlock No Gods, No Masters Achievement
Pick 25 locksUnlock No Tumbler Fumbler Achievement
Complete ring-a-ding-dingUnlock Ring-a-Ding-Ding Achievement
Cause 10,000 damage with unarmed weaponsUnlock Old-Tyme Brawler Achievement
Play 10 spins of slotsUnlock One Armed Bandit Achievement
Complete the house always winsUnlock The House Always Wins Achievement
Recruit any companionUnlock Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal Achievement
Complete that lucky old sunUnlock That Lucky Old Sun Achievement
Complete they went that-a-wayUnlock They Went That-a-Way Achievement
Complete render unto CaesarUnlock Render Unto Caesar Achievement
Reach 20th levelUnlock Up and Comer Achievement
Recruit all companionsUnlock The Whole Gang's Here Achievement
Complete The Legend of the StarUnlock The Legend of the Star Achievement
Reach 30th levelUnlock The Boss Achievement
Make 50 speech challengesUnlock Outstanding Orator Achievement
Heal 10,000 points of damage with StimpaksUnlock Stim-ply Amazing Achievement
Complete return to senderUnlock Return to Sender Achievement
Complete talent poolUnlock Talent Pool Achievement
Get banned from all the Strip's casinosUnlock The Courier Who Broke the Bank Achievement
Complete Volare!Unlock Volare! Achievement
Complete you'll know it when it happensUnlock You'll Know It When It Happens Achievement
Discover 50 locationsUnlock Walker of the Mojave Achievement
Complete veni, vidi, viciUnlock Veni, Vidi, Vici Achievement
Complete wild cardUnlock Wild Card Achievement
Sell 10,000 caps worth of goodsUnlock You Run Barter Town Achievement

This is the summary table containing Fallout Las Vegas 100 most important cheats and console commands. There are however many more secret items, special weapons, bonus points, rewards and much more available in Fallout New Vegas PC game. You can find full list of Fallout Las Vegas console commands containing 1000+ Fallout Las Vegas cheats here. If you’re facing problem using any Fallout New Vegas Cheat code or Console commands, comment it below and we will verify it.

Fallout New Vegas Console Command

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