Fallout 4 Wild Plants

If you are deep into Fallout 4’s settlements side, then you know how vital good plant keeping is. If you want populations to thrive then you need crops, and lots of them. Keep your mutfruits. Aug 03, 2016 Fallout 4 Tips & Tricks: How to Make Raised Vegetable Planters How to make raised planter boxes for growing food indoors. Credit for this idea goes to Staci. DuneMan 4 years ago #4 I haven't found a use for the Wild variants. Now the naturally occurring plants like Bloodleaf and Hubflower are used in cooking and chem work. 'I'd rather betray the world. All Discussions. It's based on cell resets. I can't remember exactly, I think it was two in-game weeks for Skyrim. At least for 'wild' plants and such. Fo4 seems to be more often but you do need to avoid the entire game cell for quite a while (not just sleeping/waiting, but passing in-game time). Seriously: Fallout 4 is harder than both Fallout 3 and New Vegas. You will die often. I’ve lost a ton of progress because I didn’t save enough; don’t let the same thing happen to you.

So recently I've started creating an Adhesive 'farm'. I've planted Mutfruit, Corn, and Tato along with having a Water Purifier. For some reason the crops are completely bugged out, they wont grow (produce their respective item) and I can't select them to store and replant them.

I've tried fast traveling multiple times, I've disabled mods and I've loaded old save files to try and remedy this problem but to no avail. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it, thanks.

Here are just some other things that I could think of:

  1. It's been in-game weeks since I've planted some of these crops so the probelm doesn't seem to be working itself out.
  2. Melons and Gourds work completely fine.
  3. This seems to only effect Sanctuary, I have 4 other settlements where the crops work just fine
Fallout 4 Wild PlantsFallout 4 Wild Plants

Fallout 4 Plant Wild Food

Here are some 'links' to screenshots of the plants that are effected imgur(dot)com/a/En2XW

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