Diablo 2 Blood Raven

Blood Raven is a super unique demon. 1 Statistics 2 Offense 3 Defenses 4 Resistances 5 Locations 6 Strategies AR means Attack Rating. Regen Rate tells what% of a monster's hit points are recovered per second. Blocked attacks will not damage the monster. Monsters need not carry a shield to block. Avoided attacks will not damage the monster. Drain Effectiveness tells what% of a character's mana. Blood Raven's Charge - Any good? Hi i have a blood ravens charge and i want to ask what you guys would do with it. I really have no idea, pls give me feedback. I also have a witchwild btw, but i wanna learn more about blood ravens. Does it have any exceptional strong points that make it. Honestly Blood Raven is the hardest boss in the main campaign LOL. Managed to down her in norm and nightmare as I passed through but after testing her in hell i just decided to come back later lol. Also yes, to whoever said about the barb helms. I've gotten a few as well. If you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing:.Game LORE Dash:. Join the fellow Game Lore Junkies on Discord: https://discor.

Diablo 2 Blood Raven Symone

Burial Grounds
ActAct I
WaypointNo (Cold Plains)
Golden ChestNo
Super UniqueBlood Raven
QuestsSisters' Burial Grounds
Area Level
Level 133680
Relative Area Size
Level 1111

The Burial Grounds is a location belonging to the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye, and can be found near the Cold Plains. This area is home to Blood Raven, a corrupted Sister that the player is required to kill in order to complete the Sisters' Burial Grounds quest.

The Burial Grounds is also the location of two optional areas that the player may investigate: the Mausoleum and the Crypt. Both optional dungeons contain a gold treasure chest as a reward for their completion.



Hungry Dead


Blood Raven
Super Unique



  • Amazon: 'I sense great sorrow and misery.'
  • Assassin: 'Hm. Whose handiwork lies buried here?'
  • Barbarian: 'I shall meet death head on.'
  • Druid: 'Planting the dead? How odd.'
  • Necromancer: 'Too many empty graves.'
  • Paladin: 'This holy place has been desecrated.'
  • Sorceress: 'There is dark magic at work here.'


Diablo 2 blood raven questDiablo 2 blood raven symone
  • Amazon: 'Rest in peace, my sister.'
  • Assassin: 'What I kill stays dead.'
  • Barbarian: 'Good riddance, Blood Raven.'
  • Druid: 'Your time has passed, Blood Raven.'
  • Necromancer: 'Blood Raven, rest well.'
  • Paladin: 'Sisters, there was no other way.'
  • Sorceress: 'Rest now, Blood Raven.'

Blood Raven:

  • 'My army will destroy you!'
  • 'Join my army of the dead!'
  • 'Matron Andariel commands your death!'

Act I
TownRogue Encampment
SurfaceBlood Moor • Cold Plains • Burial Grounds • Stony Field • Tristram • Dark Wood • Black Marsh • Tamoe Highland • Monastery Gate • Outer Cloister • Barracks • Inner Cloister • Cathedral • Secret Cow Level
DungeonsDen of Evil • Cave • Crypt • Mausoleum • Underground Passage • Forgotten Tower • Hole • Pit • Jail • Catacombs

Diablo 2 Blood Raven Test

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