2016 Excel For Mac Compile Error In Hidden Module


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  1. Compile Error In Hidden Module
  2. Compile Error Hstbarpublic Smart View
I'm creating a simple report excel where it merge xls files when user select a folder. It was working perfectly until when i test in different PC, i got ' Compile Error in Hidden Module' error. Below is the screenshot of the error.
Below are the MergeSheets module codes that i got from internet.

I managed find the source of problem which is the incompatibility of 32bit and 64bit OS. And i managed to find the solution where i need to include PtrSafe into my declare part. After i include the 'PtrSafe' as below, the error is not showing up anymore.

However when i execute the code, my Excel program crash.
Although this code is created for 32bit OS, it is working when i developing on my PC which is 64bit version. I even tried the same code on 2nd PC which also 64bit. However when i tried on 3rd PC which also 64bit, the error showed up.
Hope you give can give idea for this. Thanks.
-Seems that the 3rd pc is using Office 64bits thus not working.
-I even changed all the pointers to LongPtr. after change i get new error which is 'Run-time error '1004' Cannot run macro'.

Apr 05, 2016 I had to allow ActiveX controls to run before the Excel Solver would load properly. In my case this was a GPO setting User Configuration Administrative Templates Microsoft Office 2013 Security Settings Disable All ActiveX set to Disable. ALT + F11 should open VBA - but your error says hidden Module1 - meaning you might not even see the module in VBA for Excel. Daphne yvm torrent. You might need to contact the source / developer of the file.

You might receive a “Compile Error in Hidden Module” error message when you start your Excel.

Whether it is Excel or any other Microsoft Applications from time to time they are prone to errors. This Compile Error in Hidden module occurs in both MS Excel and MS Word but in this blog, you will get to know how to repair Compile Error in Hidden module in Excel.

When you start MS Excel the particular error message that displays on the screen is:

Compile error in hidden module: AutoExec Civilization 5 patch version 10.0.

Compile error in hidden module: AutoExecNew

Compile error in hidden module: DistMon

2016 excel for mac compile error in hidden module z global variables

If you are using an older version of Windows like Windows 95/98 then you might receive an error message that says:

Excel has performed an error in module excel.exe and will be closed. Igo primo 9.6 wince 6 480x272.

For Windows 2000 and above version the error appears like:

Compile Error In Hidden Module

Excel has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

After the error message is displayed, an error report will be presented which provide the additional information of that error, a link will be shown something like:

– – Vbe6.dll – – 0000d799

Visual basic compile error excel

Compile Error Hstbarpublic Smart View

Just click on the link to view full details of that error and depending on the application that has been crashed you might see location to excel.exe which will guide you to the culprit of this error message.

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